Kiddie Academy Orange
About Kiddie Academy Orange
National Quality Standard Rating
- Service meets the National Quality Standard.
- Service provides quality education and care in all 7 quality areas.
Meeting National Quality Standard
- Educational program and practice 75%
- Children’s health and safety 75%
- Physical environment 75%
- Staffing arrangements 75%
- Relationships with children 75%
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities 75%
- Governance and leadership 75%
- 6 weeks to 1 year
- 1 year to 2 years
- 2 years to 3 years
- 2 years to 3 years
- 3 years to 4 years
- 3 years to 4 years
- 4 years to 5 years
What we provide
- Breakfast
- Nappies and consumables
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Afternoon tea
- Late afternoon snack
Our Philosophy
Educators here are for the children and are inspired and guided by our knowledge of current research, the National Quality Standard, and the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, in-conjunction with our centres policies and procedures.
Relationships are a key component to a child’s Development including their health and well- being. Educators encourage children to be capable and competent learners within their learning atmosphere, making sure that all children in our care are supported to develop according to their own learning style.
We recognise that all children are competent individuals who have many strengths and abilities, and learning is lifelong. Children are challenged and inspired to test their capabilities and ideas on life and the world around them.
Educators set up stimulating learning environments that let the children make choices this encourages the children to investigate and explore all essential components in building a strong identity. Play is also how young children develop their development milestones within their room atmosphere.
Educators endeavour to challenge their own professional knowledge and understanding of children’s learning, through staff meetings and on the floor open discussion with team members as we aim to enrich each children’s experiences so that they develop a sense of self-achievement.
Kiddie Academy Orange’s learning environment plays a key role to support the children to thrive as they are suited to their interests and developmental stages. Our layout of the environment promotes family grouping play and supporting between age groups in everyday routines.
Resources are thoughtfully added to the environment to promote a homelike atmosphere within a caring and stimulating environment in which all children can feel safe and secure from the strong bonding relationship they have with their room educators.
Our centre provides opportunities for stakeholders to participate, and they are accepted as members of the community by the values of being treated with respect and fairness, we acknowledge that we reside on Wiradjuri land and past on these respect with the children every day.
We believe that families are children’s first and most influential educators in their life we are just the steppingstones to guide the children’s learning outcomes.
Early childhood educators work in partnership with families, we acknowledge that families come from a diverse range of cultures with differing practices, values, and beliefs and these are to be respected and honoured by the centre, educators, and program.
Our centre has an open-door policy which is always allowing families to come into the centre for what works for them to spend time on their children’s learning. For those who are unable to attend the service in person we encourage feedback through many avenues.
We acknowledge the valuable contribution that the community makes on a child development, we do this by fostering the links between the children, their families, and the broader community.
We educate the principles of social justice, and we believe the importance of acknowledging diversity and showing respect for every culture to broaden the community links to enhance children’s learning and development.
Educators celebrates each child’s uniqueness by understanding the planning cycle, weekly programs and individual summaries, the children are engaging in stimulating environments which encourages their essential components in building their identity.
The educational program embeds the spontaneous child’s thoughts, child’s perspective, interests, family’s aspirations, and educators’ knowledge from children’s learning documentations, all these key aspects are utilised into the creation and delivery of the program.
Our learning practice is informed by documenting our critical reflections and these practices are embedded through our Educator interactions with children and how the children integrate the knowledge they have learnt into their daily lives.
Important information regarding your child’s 2024 Start Strong Fee Relief from the NSW Government
In 2024, families can access fee relief for preschool-aged children through the NSW Government’s Start Strong program. Families with children who are at least 4 years old on or before 31 July 2024 (the child’s birthdate must be on, or before, 31 July 2020), and who are enrolled in a…
Developmental Milestones – 8 to 12 months
Developmental Area Observe Physical pulls self to standing position when hands held y raises self to sitting positionsits without supportstands by pulling themself up using furniturestepping movements around furnituresuccessfully reach out and grasp toytransfers objects from hand to handpicks up and pokes small objects with thumb and fingerpicks up and throws small…
Developmental Milestones – 4 to 8 months
Developmental Area Observe Physical plays with feet and toesmakes effort to sit alone, but needs hand supportraises head and chest when lying on stomachmakes crawling movements when lying on stomachrolls from back to stomachreaches for and grasp objects, using one hand to grasp eyes smoothly follow object or personcrawling movements using…
Developmental Milestones – Birth to 4 months
Developmental Area Observe Physical moves whole bodysquirms, arms wave, legs move up and downeating and sleeping patternsstartle reflex when placed unwrapped on flat surface/when hears loud noisehead turns to side when cheek touchedsucking motions with mouth (seeking nipple)responds to gentle touching, cuddling, rockingshuts eyes tight in bright sunlightable to lift…
Social Media
Contact Us
Kiddie Academy Orange
32 Telopea Way
Orange, NSW 2800
1300 014 405